Jun Ch Diskatia Neverland
(Alice at 9 months)
Alice at the age of 5 months
Sex: Female
DOB: 12.12.2022.
Sire: Int Ch Diskatia Nonchalant
Dam: Int Ch Diskatia Neverending Joy
PRA, FN & AON clear by parentage
Junior Champion of Serbia
Show results:
Best Junior Bitch, Junior BOB & Junior BOG (National Show, Valjevo 2023.)
Best Junior Bitch, Junior BOB & Junior BOG (International Show, G. Milanovac 2023.)
Best Junior Bitch, Junior BOB, BOB, Junior BOG & BOG (National Show, Cuprija 2023.)
CAC, CACIB & BOB (International Show, Loznica 2024.)
CAC & CACIB (International Show, Zvornik BIH 2024.)
~ Pedigree ~